Your 20s is apparently THE MOST Interesting phase of your life. You are at an age where you are neither a teenager, a naïve and carefree kid nor exactly an adult with one thousand and one responsibilities. Basically, It’s your time to TRANSIT. Time when you are FREE! Free to live, learn, love, try, test, fail, let go, make it happen, take risks, jump, swim, dive and do whatever you can EVER imagine and dream of doing in life. You are young and you are energetic. However, Sometimes it’s confusing and it topples you off your ground. Here are 10 must read books in your 20s. So you can make it a little more manageable, focused and it will push you out of your comfort zone.

1. Tuesdays with Morrie

This is my FIRST recommendation for you! Before you even jump or hop on to any of these in the list, This one should ALWAYS be the FIRST!

Tuesdays with Morrie is not at all like any of the regular self help books you’d ever comes across in your life. I would say it’s not just a book, it’s a Teacher. It’s mind blowing, Nail biting, Eye opening kind of a read. It will connect you with your own-self. It will literally change your perspective on life. Teaching you to be accepting, forgiving, being tolerant and patient. It reinforces the fact; you may have a full proof plan all laid down for your future life but you never know how life will really turn out to be. And no matter what you were or no matter what you thought you would be, you have to accept the curve balls life throws at you and still be grateful in whatever you have in hand.

If you want to get a better idea of how it’s like, you can read my review of Tuesdays with Morrie. I am sure it will make you pick it up and sit with it.

2. #GirlBoss

The New York times best seller that the Washington post called “Lean in For Misfits” is one of a kind read. For those who are rebellious, broke, directionless, unfocused and A TOTAL MISFIT for the society. It is for those girls who wish to seek a unique path to success. Girls who want to create everything of their own. Those independent, talented, free souls who don’t have a care in the world. Those girls who are called bossy, too much, challenging. The real woman of substance and those who offer more than just beauty! GIRLS WHO ARE DETERMINED TO MAKE IT HAPPEN! The book will actually empower you and push you to work on what you have been wanting to work for ages.

It teaches you that to be successful in life, it does not matter where you went to college or how popular you were in high-school. It teaches you to trust your instincts and follow your gut! Don’t we all need to hear that in our 20s?

3. The Secret

In your 20s you are mostly DREAMY! But for those dreams to come true you need to know THE SECRET so you can make them happen. This book is full of wisdom and philosophy. It contains teaching from modern day thinkers who explain how you can manifest things you want in life. It revolves and centers around “The Law of Attraction” and how to use it to achieve health, happiness and wealth.

The book shares compelling stories of people who achieved massive success, overcame obstacles and achieving what they thought was impossible. After reading this you’ll be able to understand untapped power within you and this revelation will bring you joy and manifestation.

4. Rich Dad, Poor Dad

In your 20s it’s incredibly important that you learn to TAKE RISK. It’s important for you to learn how money works. To understand your finances and to be able to make power financial moves. Rich Dad, Poor dad is a really great book if you are beginner and you want to learn basics of your finances and investment. You need to read this book. It also motivates you to think differently. It basically bursts the conventional bubble that you need to earn high income to get rich – No you don’t. And it teaches you difference between working for money and having money work for you! Which apparently the quicker you learn in your life, THE BETTER!

5. How to win friends and Influence People

Yet another “How to” book and a guide you definitely want to consider in your 20s. It’s a timeless best seller with solid advices for all the young people. Dale Carnegie, Author of this masterpiece, is actually know for his eloquence and moving words. His advices are inspiring and give you a direction like a coach and mentor does. If you are someone who is extremely introverted, have hard time making friends and influencing people you definitely need to read one of his works.

6. Attached

Sound like some romantic novel cliché type book, right? It’s not! it’s one of most amazing psychology books out there. It will help you understand your own attachment styles and how to connect with people. This is apparently one of those books that will help you in your love relationships, friendships, your relations with your colleagues and work friends.

7. Blue Ocean Strategy

Now, if you are someone like me who is also interested in learning how money works, you definitely need to read this one. Or if you are a person who is into business, economics, marketing and not exactly from the medical background, This book has to be on your list! It’s again one of the international bestsellers and presents with systematic approach in making competition irrelevant!

8. Mindset

Your mindset will either make you or break you! In life, you’ll always come across two kind of people; 1. One who have FIXED mindset and no matter how hard you try or whatever you do, you can’t change them! These mindsets are limiting, unhealthy and unprogressive! and 2. The one’s who have GRWOTH mindset.

Remember to always associate yourselves with the later. These are the people who will not only help you grow, they’ll help you win too!

9. The Subtle art of not giving a FUCK

Reading this will make you feel as if a coach is talking to you about your life! it’s blunt, it’s direct, it’s unforgiving BUT IT’S REAL! I have already done a very detailed and comprehensive review on this book. Click the link below and get to know what it’s exactly like!

Review of The Subtle art of not giving a fuck

10. The Alchemist

The Alchemist for me is an ever-green, all-time favorite, one of a kind book! I HAVE EVEN CLAIMED THIS ONE TO BE MY BOOK OF THE DECADE BECAUSE IT’S THIS GOOD! I wouldn’t be wrong if I call it a “timeless splendor”

Again of the New York times best sellers and it still remains a best seller till date. Read more about this book in my Review of The Alchemist. Explore it and grab it, First Hand!

If you liked reading this post and if you are someone who loves reading too, get in touch with me on Instagram at @scrubs.and.books!!

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