Six Super healthy Foods that should be a part of your diet!

Food fuels our bodies and we all know good nutrition is important to lead a happy and healthy life. Knowing what you eat and why you eat a certain food will always help you make better and healthier choices. A healthy diet will help lower your risk of contracting chronic illnesses including; diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol, and obesity. It also helps lower your risk of having a stroke or heart disease. Below are the 6 most important foods that should be a part of your diet.


Eggs are the most nutritious food on earth. Having an egg in breakfast will always keep hunger pangs at bay. They are the most valuable source of protein and nutrients like Vitamin B12, B6, and Vitamin D. Not only this, they also contain unsaturated fat which is great for your heart health.


There are different types of meat one can consume. lean meat is an excellent source of protein and provides all the essential amino acids our bodies need.


As much as we all hate them, Vegetables are a great source of fuel as most of them are low in fat and calories. They are such an important source of essential nutrients like potassium, dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Brocolli, spinach, carrots, kale are the most important superfoods that should definitely be a part of your diet.


These are among the healthiest food your can eat. They are not just good-looking but nutritious as well. Fruits and berries are the best sources of antioxidants and help keep free radicals under control. They also contain fiber and protect your colon.


Nuts are the hub of nutrients, believe it or not. They too are loaded with antioxidants and may be consumed as snacks if you are planning to lose some weight.


without a doubt, Seafood is one of THE BEST superfoods out there. Seafood has several benefits, it boosts your brain, maintains your eye-sight, excellent source of vitamin D which means it is great for bones and enhances immunity too. The omega 3 in seafood helps with cognitive function and prevents early onset Alzheimers too. pretty good stuff yeah?

Trust me, just by including these superfoods in your diet and a little bit of exercise you will set the course of your life towards health and longevity, and who would not want that?

Thank you for reading this post lovelies, In the next post, I’ll talk about mental health. Till then, keep reading the blog, munching on those nuts and staying fit!

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