Selfish is first step to self-less!

Often In the desire to do things for others we forget to do things for ourselves. Even so in midst of all the hassle of job, work, financial worries, looking after family, keeping up with social life and ever expanding social media we forget to give ourselves the right amount of time that we deserve. Inadvertently, we kill our wishes to provide to our children, we exterminate our dreams to make available resources to our loved ones for theirs. If you are reading this, allow me to ask you this one simple question that would either leave you in awe or might as well give you a quick reality check!

When was the last time you gave yourself some quality time?

When was the last time you sat alone with your own self and just thought about YOURSELF, your dreams, your wishes, your needs? When was the last time you gave yourself a pep talk and a pat on a back because you have come so far!

If you are still thinking over “WHEN” let me tell you, you are not alone. I was like you too. I was the kind of person who always lived for others. Who literally did all she could in her might to give others! I truly invested a whole lot of my time, energy and love in OTHERS than on my OWNSELF. These others practically included my family, my friends, my job, my career, the people I met and the people I loved and cared for and it’s almost the same with all of us. In the aspiration to become selfless we actually end up being so LESS of our own selves that we are eventually left with nothing to give our self-back!

Therefore, I believe Its truly important to work for self-fullness than only you can be selfless because only when you are full then you can give others.

That not only will help you heal, it will also gave you a knack to increase your productivity.

Here are a few things you should do;

  1. Take out time from your day to reflect on your goals

Our goals are one of those few things that keep us going in life. Having goals will not only clear your mind and set a path for you. It will also help you focus better. It will give you a direction to work on and enable you to create in that direction.

Now, I know the bigger the goals you’ll have the greater your nay-sayers will be! You don’t have to listen to all the noise out there, Just focus and do it for yourself. For your assistance, I have attached this weekly planner here, go ahead and feel free to download this planner and use it for your advancement! <3

2. Meditate every day

Meditation keeps our minds and bodies healthy and nurtures it in ways we can’t even imagine. It also helps increase productivity!!

3. Read a good book

Books need to be your best friends! Books will take you to places unimaginable!

Try and choose books from your favorite genre. If you are a first time reader, check out my blogpost in book reviews tab on “How to develop good reading habits.”

And if you are even tiny bit doubtful on if you should read one or not, you can check out reviews on my website too 🙂

4. Go to a spa and treat yourself with a nice pedicure

Your body is your temple!! Treat yourself well and you will not just live longer, you will also be able to enjoy the life in its full potential.

5. Catch up with your old friends

Friends will always be there for you!! They make your heavy heart, light and you dull face, glow!

6. Never kill your dreams

NEVER! I repeat, NEVER give up on your dreams! Just like goals dreams will make your life worthwhile.

7. Travel once a year

Those cotton candy clouds or crazy tram tracks you gotta live them!

8. Forgive yourself for your mistakes

We all make mistakes and that’s how we all learn and grow. Make mistakes, learn from them, forgive yourself for not know better and then MOVE THE HECK ON! Move forward!

9. If your mental health is bad, take a break

It’s ok to take a break! It’s ok to love yourself!

And most importantly no matter what curve balls life throw at you, don’t give up! Stay determined! YOU CAN DO IT!

I know, it’s going to be probably the hardest thing you have ever done. Trust me, once you are out of that bad phase you will love yourself even more and you will thank yourself for being persistent. So go on and love yourself! It’s only after self-full that you can be self-less!! 

Take care!

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