How to perform well during rotations?

Rotations are a crucial part of your med-school journey. Unfortunately, no one ever tells us what to expect on rotations and how to perform well on them. Usually I have noticed a lot of my own colleagues considering rotations pretty unimportant and a time-out to chill.

Let me break the news, clerkship rotations are THE BEST way to decide which specialty you feel most attached to and which specialty you are looking forward to take as a career for your entire life. Performing well during these rotations develop you as a good clinician in practice.

Here are a few tips to make your rotations easy and help you make most out of it.

1. Always report on time!

Attendings notice EVERYTHING! If you are late it leaves an impression that you are least interested in the learning.

2. Take ownership of your patients and read everything about them!

This is the best way to make use of your rotations. often times there are patients reporting with rare and interesting cases. You would not want to miss out on that important learning that you may never get to see ever again in your career. Try checking on them often throughout the day, chase labs, report back to your residents or attendings, show and take keen interest. Your patients are your best way of learning the art of medicine.

3. Do your reading!

Read on your patients conditions, respond to their questions and talk to them. It is most advisable for you to read evidence based management of your patients and it shows you are proactive and interested in patient care.

3. Always carry your essentials!

Notebook, pens, pocket guide, Steth – That’s all you need for your rotations!

I’ll keep adding more to the list with time! so keep reading, keep learning and keep growing!!

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