The subtle art of not giving a fuck by Mark – Review

Book Name: The subtle art of not giving a fuck
Author Name: Mark Manson
Genre: Self Help

Published in: 2016

The Subtle art of Not giving a fuck – Overview

A counterintuitive approach to living a happy life – Happy life? Is there really such a thing called happy life?

Well, I am glad at least someone agrees with my opinion too. The Subtle art is the second book written by blogger and author Mark Manson. It’s mainly a response to self-help genre industry and hyper-positivity approach they have been selling for decades now. It’s no secret that one can never always be positive and happy all the time. Life is as much a test as it is a delight. It’s an equal balance of both happy and sad so you got to be realistic. You can’t always be happy! Those people who keep a happy persona all the time, they are either masquerading their real feelings or are too weak and vulnerable to put their reality out in the world.

My Review

If you are someone like me who thinks there is no such thing called a happy life! Someone who gives too many fucks to what people think about them, for them or against them. Someone in their 20s struggling to make sense of all that is happening around. One who is unable to decide what’s important and what’s not and have landed in the quarter life crisis already. Unable to solve problems with old “All Happy and Positive” approach and looking for a new one! I would suggest to give this book a read.

I won’t say the book works like magic and with a blink of an eye all your problems are gone, no! That’s not how it works. This book actually gives reader a new perspective to understand ‘why people do a certain thing that they feel is important to them but has no worth for you.’ It teaches a reader to think differently, to understand how to get their priorities straight and to stop fixating on things because it’s a feedback loop from hell which means the more you attach yourself to an objective, the worse you will feel for not achieving it. So you need to go with the flow. Acknowledge your feelings and stop beating yourself up.

it also makes a person empathetic and makes them ponder with ‘oh I never thought of it this way’ feeling at almost every chapter, which is what is the most beautiful thing about it. Even, the language the author has chosen is as if a coach mentoring sudents and giving them a new direction to think.

Astonishingly, the book has to this date completed 359 days on New York times best-seller’s list as of today – December 2, 2020.

Favorite Quote from the book

My favorite part was when mark Manson said failing is learning and we should not fear it. Trust me all you 20 year old’s (and those of you who are in your 20s) out there, YOUR 20s ARE YOUR BEST YEARS to try, to create, to fail. Fail more and fail often so when you are 50 you are left with no regrets!

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